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Pupil Leaders

Head Boy and Head Girl


The Head Boy and Head Girl are the role models of our school and lead pupil ambassadors. They are responsible for supporting the leadership of the school. We believe that our Year 6 children have important roles to play in the daily life of Princess May Primary School and are expected to take their roles seriously. This is a good opportunity for a child to lead by example and it is a prestigious role in our school. If you are a pupil with an excellent record of behaviour, attendance, punctuality and uniform, who has demonstrated a commitment to the school, then you are a suitable candidate. A summary of the main responsibilities and tasks are: Representing the school at certain events (including making speeches), managing the pupil ambassadors, showing visitors around, meeting with school council, reporting to Governors. 


  • You will jointly chair the School Council. You will make sure that pupil voice is represented in key decisions and developments within Princess May Primary School. 
  • You need to feel confident and comfortable talking to and in front of both adults and pupils. 
  • You need to have good organisational and communication skills and have a thoughtful outlook.

 Main Duties 

  • To organise and plan regular meetings with the School Council and ensure that decisions are carried out. 
  • To represent and speak for all pupils at Princess May Primary School and support and prepare activities that encourages and supports the learning of others. 
  • To be internal and external ambassadors for the school and to act as role models for all pupils at Princess May Primary School. 
  • To give key presentations about the school, for example to prospective parents and pupils at school events. 
  • To greet important visitors to Princess May Primary School. 
  • To be involved in assemblies. 
  • To report to the Senior Leadership Team every half-term. 
  • To attend one Governor’s meeting and report on how student voice has had an impact on the school’s planning. 
  • To co-ordinate a team of pupil ambassadors.
  • To ensure that pupil ambassadors perform their duties adequately.

Goalkeepers (Eco-Warriors)

In 2015, world leaders agreed to 17 goals for a better world by 2030. In Princess May, we have Goalkeepers that aim to ensure that we are doing the best we can to meet the global goals as a community. Our job is to help make Princess May more eco-friendly and sustainable; not just for us but for our local environment in general. We are currently working towards our goal of becoming a Green Flag Eco School. 

In order to achieve this goal, our targets are:

  • Reducing plastic consumption  
  • Ensuring that recycling, reducing and reusing is a priority 
  • Making Princess May a healthy school

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School Council

Each member of the School Council has been elected through a democratic process, providing children with individual liberty to empower choices around their education. Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) says that children and young people should have a say in decisions that affect their lives.  Our school council at Princess May provides a meaningful way in which pupils can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account in decisions which impact upon them.

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors 

Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors help stamp out bullying. They are 'upstanders', not bystanders, and offer help to children who are having disagreements or feel they are being bullied. Each break and lunchtime, ambassadors wear high-vis vests so that they can be approached to keep all children safe and happy.

Oracy Curriculum Ambassadors 

Oracy Curriculum Ambassadors have a special role in making sure that children in our school have a voice and opportunities to develop Princess May’s curriculum, so that it continues to grow. Pupils' voice underpins our curriculum developments.

Pupil Librarians

Librarians help to ensure that the library is neat and tidy and that all books are returned to the correct shelves.  They also assist younger year groups with using the computer system to return and borrow books.

Art Ambassadors

Our Art Ambassadors are committed and responsible pupils, who are creative and passionate about Art & Design. They make a valuable contribution to the Art Curriculum and opportunities in Art offered here at Princess May Primary School.

Art Ambassadors' duties include:

Maintaining the art area, making sure that it is clean and tidy. Making sure that fellow students clear up properly after art and wash their brushes thoroughly. Assisting their class teacher and contributing to discussions during art lessons.

Sports Ambassadors

Princess May Sports Ambassadors are responsible to promote our Sports Values of: Passion; Self-belief; Respect; Honesty; Determination; Teamwork.

The main role of a sports ambassadors are:

  • To be a positive role model for PE and sport
  • Attend a meeting once a month to discuss what we can do better in our school with PE
  • To assist/support in setting up and tidying away equipment for PE lessons and sports clubs
  • To assist/support staff in leading PE lessons and sports clubs
  • To assist/support staff in planning, organising and running of Sports Day
  • To promote and lead physical activity sessions during break and lunchtimes
  • To update the Sports notice board/wear a special ambassador badge, so they can be recognised around school/helping to promote physical activity throughout the school.

STEM Ambassadors

In order to further promote our love of maths and science at Princess May, we have introduced STEM ambassadors to provide children’s voice in how we promote maths and science throughout the school. Our STEM ambassadors are chosen for their willingness to share this passion with others and enthusiasm to promote Maths and Science throughout the school.

STEM Ambassadors are positive role models who give their time and enthusiasm for free to bring STEM subjects to life and demonstrate their value. STEM Ambassadors who can talk about their everyday life once they've left school, or are further on in their developed careers, can really focus student.