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Attendance and Punctuality

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Is Your Child in School Today?

Every child or young person is entitled to an education. Parents who do not ensure their children receive an appropriate education put their whole future at risk. Being absent from school means a lost learning opportunity.

The Law

All children of compulsory school age are required to receive an education. As parents/carers you are responsible for ensuring your child receives an education. You risk criminal prosecution if your child fails to attend regularly, and punctually, at the school where s/he is registered. Prosecutions may result in fines of up to £2,500 and/or the possibility of a three months imprisonment. Courts may at their discretion impose a parenting order or direct the LEA to apply for an Education Supervision Order which puts a child of compulsory school age, who is not being properly educated under Local Education Authority supervision.

Good Habits

Regular attendance including punctuality helps your child become reliable and organised – two qualities valued by employers.

All Hackney Schools are responsible for keeping accurate records of attendance. School will contact you with any concerns they have regarding your child′s attendance. The Education Attendance Service works closely with school staff, parents, and when necessary, other agencies to help you and your child overcome any attendance problems.

Authorised or unauthorised absences

Absences can only be authorised by your child's school. 

Genuine reasons for absence, include the following:

  • Sickness - If your child is off for three days or more, we will require medical evidence. e.g. A GP Appointment card or the boxes from the anti-biotics.
  • Medical or dental appointments - Please make these out of school times where possible.
  • Days of religious observance - 1 day authorised.
  • Exceptional family circumstances e.g. bereavement

The following absences will not be authorised by your child's school:

  • Looking after the house
  • Looking after brothers and sisters or sick relatives
  • Shopping
  • Birthdays
  • Translating
  • Holidays      


If your child is absent you should contact the school the same day with the reason for the absence. The school will inform you if your child’s absence or lateness causes concern and will work with you to find a way of improving your child’s attendance. It is advisiable (where possible) to keep medical notes/appointment letters as evidence for any absence. 


If you are not sure how long your child should be off school the table below will provide a guide for you.  For more information on an illness or condition and the latest up-to-date guidance please visit


Recommended period to be kept away from school (once child is well)


Chickenpox Until all spots have crusted and formed a scab – usually five-seven days from onset of rash Chicken pox causes a rash of red, itchy spots that turn into fluid-filled blisters. They then crust over to form scabs, which eventually drop off.
Cold sores None Many healthy children and adults excrete this virus at some time without having a ‘sore’ (herpes simplex virus)
German measles Five days from onset of rash The child is most infectious before the diagnosis is made and most children should be immune to immunisation so that exclusion after the rash appears will prevent very few cases
Hand, foot and    mouth disease None Usually a mild disease not justifying time off school
Impetigo 48 hours after treatment starts and/or until lesions are crusted or healed Antibiotic treatment by mouth may speed healing. If lesions can reliably be kept covered exclusion may be shortened
Measles Five days from onset of rash Measles is now rare in the UK
Molluscum  contagiosum None A mild condition
Ringworm (Tinea) None Proper treatment by the GP is important.  Scalp ringworm needs treatment with an antifungal by mouth
Roseolla None A mild illness,  usually caught from well persons
Scabies Until treated Outbreaks have occasionally occurred in schools and nurseries. Child can return as soon as properly treated. This should include all the persons in the household.
Scarlet fever Five days from child commencing antibiotics Treatment    recommended for the affected
Slapped cheek or Fifth disease (Parvovirus) None Exclusion is Ineffective as nearly all transmission takes place before the child becomes unwell.
Warts and verrucae None Affected children may go swimming but verrucae should be covered
Diarrhoea and/or vomiting (with or without a specified diagnosis) Until diarrhoea and vomiting has settled (neither for the previous 24 hours).  Please check with the school before sending your child back. Usually there will be no specific diagnosis and for most conditions there is no specific treatment. A longer period of exclusion may be appropriate for children under age 5 and older children unable to maintain good personal hygiene.
E-coli and Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome Depends on the type of E-coli seek FURTHER ADVICE from the CCDC  
Giardiasis Until diarrhoea has settled for the previous 24 hours) There is a specific antibiotic treatment
Salmonella Until diarrhoea and vomiting has settled (neither for the previous 24 hours) If the child is under five years or has difficulty in personal hygiene, seek advice from the Consultant in Communicable Disease Control.
Shigella    (Bacillary dysentery) Until diarrhoea has settled (for the previous 24 hours) If the child is under five years or had difficulty in personal hygiene, seek advice from the Consultant in Communicable Disease Control.
Flu (Influenza) None Flu is most infectious just before and at the onset of symptoms
Tuberculosis CCDC will advise Generally requires quite prolonged, close contact for spread on action.  Not usually spread from children.
Whooping cough (Pertussis) Five days from commencing antibiotic treatment Treatment (usually with erythromycin) is recommended  though non-infectious coughing may still continue for many weeks
Conjunctivitis None If an outbreak occurs consult Consultant in Communicable Disease Control
Glandular fever (infectious mononucleosis) None  
Head lice (nits) None Treatment is recommended only in cases where live lice have definitely been seen
Hepatitis A See comments There is no justification for exclusion of well older  children with good hygiene who will have been much more infectious prior to the  diagnosis.  Exclusion is justified for  five days from the onset of jaundice or stools going pale for the under fives  or where hygiene is poor
Meningococcal    meningitis/septicaemia The CCDC will give specific advice on any action needed There is no reason to exclude from schools siblings and other close contacts of a case
Meningitis not    due to Meningococcalinfection None Once the child is well infection risk is minimal
Mumps Five days from onset of swollen glands The child is most infectious before the diagnosis is made and most children should be immune due to immunisation
Threadworms None Transmission is uncommon in schools but treatment is recommended for the child and family.
Tonsillitis None There are many causes, but most cases are due to viruses and do not need an antibiotic.  For one cause, streptococcal infection, antibiotic treatment is recommended
HIV/AIDS HIV is not infectious through casual contact.  There have been no recorded cases of spread within a school or nursery.
Hepatitis B and C Although more infectious than HIV, hepatitis B and C have only rarely spread within a school setting.  Universal precautions will minimise possible danger or spread of both hepatitis B and C.